domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Sunday!! Domingo!!

I hope with all my heart that God bless you. Amén!!

Eu desejo de todo meu coração que Deus te abençoe! Amén!


Gloria al Padre , al Hijo y al Espirito Santo!!
Como era el inicio, es ahora y será para siempre!! AMEM!!!


My heart is perfect because you ( My Lord) is inside on it,


Keep your eyes on God!!
He will never put HIS eyes away from you!!

Cada dia!! Each day!!

Each day is a new blessing, that God gives to you, giving you a new proof of LOVE!!

Pray then GOd works!!

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

Esperança!!! HOPE!!!

Dear Lord If some day i lose my hope!! Please reminds me that your plns are better than mine!!


Love is the cure!!!
Love in less is not the problem!!
A lot of LOVE is the CURE for everything!!!

Lluvia de flores!! Rain of flowers!!

Buenas tardes!!
Quiero darte lluvia de flores!! Y cuando quieres puedes venir recoger sonrisas directamente en el huerto de mi alma!!!

Dear God!! Querido DIOS!!

A veces é dificil para mi entender lo que Tú realmente quieres que pase, pero yo creo en ti!!
Y yo sé que me darás a mi lo que sea lo MEJOR!!!

Força e Refugio!!

Deus é nosso refugio y nossa força!!! E sempre uma ajuda quando temos problemas!!!
Dios es nuestro refugio y nuestra fuerza!!
Y sempre una ayuda cuando tenemos problemas!!

Never early never late!! Nunca cedo nunca tarde!!

Dios tiene el perfecto tiempo!!
Nunca temprano, nunca tarde!!

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

Boat! Barco!!

Boat !! BARCO!!

@[281986765166849:274:Mulheres que oram] ::::lindas mensagens::::::
Do not leave the boat!! Even when the waves are strong!!
Jesus is the Capitán!!
With him we are more than WINNERS!!

Fuerte!! Strong!!

Strong or weak!!!

No importa si me siento debil!!
Lo que importa es que Dios es fuerte en mi vida!!
It doesn´t matter if I feel weak!!
God is strong in my life!!

Foto: Mulheres que oram :::::lindas mensagens::::::


Para ti !! For you!!!

To you!!! Para ti!!!

@[281986765166849:274:Mulheres que oram] :::::lindas mensagens::::::
Bom dia!!

Dear God, I gave you my day which is just beggining!!
Bless my planes!!
Guide my steps!!!
Protect me from the Evil!!

Abrazo!! Hold!!

Hold me my Lord!!!
Abrazame Señor!!!

Afligido!!! Suffering!!!

@[281986765166849:274:Mulheres que oram] <--- Frases e versículos para sua meditação!

Esta alguien entre vosotros afligido?? Pues, ore!! La oración es el abrir el corazón a Dios como a un amigo !!
Is there anyone suffering inside?? So, pray!! Praying is to open your heart to God as to a friend

Cansado?? Tired??

When you get tired of the every day fight!! Find your rest on the Lord!!

Cuando estés cansado en medio de las luchas de la vida, busca descanso en el Señor!!
Foto: Curtemm -> Adoradores de Deus
Visitem -> @+[490857767647860:0

LOVE or fear!! Amor o Miedo!!!

En el amor no hay Temor, porque Dios es AMOR !!
In the love there is no fear, because GOD is LOVE!!
Foto: En el amor no hay Temor, porque Dios es AmOr :)
#Fby <3'

El mismo!! The same!!

ÉL es el mismo de ayer, de hoy y de siempre! ♥
He is the same of yestarday, of today of always!!!
Don`t leave your faith because of others, people change GOD neves changes!!!

HOLD on!! Aguanta!!!

Dios sabe lo que hace!!!

Easter time!! Tiempo de Pascoa!!

In this time: think about what the Easter time means to you!! Tell us your opinion!!!

Neste tiempo: piensa lo que la Pascua significa para ti!! Diganos tu opinion!!

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Dear Lord,
I came today in your presence to claim for the people which are in bad moments right now!!
Help them may Lord, give then strenght, and the Holy Spirit give them wisdom to face these days!!
I claim in the Name of Jesus!! AMEM!!!

Serenity!! Serenidad!!

Dear God,
Give me serenity to accept the things that I can not change!!
Corage to change the things that I can change!!
And wisdom to recognize the difference among them!!!
Have you done it?? Tell us your opinion!!!

Oração da Serenidade:
Querido Deus:
Dá-me serenidade para aceitar as coisas que eu não posso mudar!!
Coragem para mudar as coisas que eu posso mudar!!
E sabedoria para reconhecer a diferença entre elas!!
Você a fez?? Diga-nos a tua opinião!!!

Rey !! King!!!

For the King of the Universe, nothing is impossible. I trust Him, my problem can be solved. He will help me to stand up!!!
Tell us your opinion about it

Tarde!! Afternoon!!!

Try lo look the others with Jesus eyes!! Smile!!!
God has prepared a beautiful afternoon for all of us!!!
@[281986765166849:274:Mulheres que oram] ::::lindas mensagens::::::

God loves YOU!!! Dios te ama!!


Your secret!! Tu secreto!!

There is things that you mus tell only to GOD!!!
Do yo agree??
Hay cosas que es mejor contar solamente a Dios!!

Dános tu opinion!!

Give your opinion!!!

Be blessed!! Que seas bendecido!!

I hope with all my heart that God bless you. Amén!!

Eu desejo de todo meu coração que Deus te abençoe! Amén!

Cosas acontecen!! Things happens!!

The things happens always for some reason, maybe we do not understand at that moment, but after some time eaverything takes a sense.

I wish you the best!! Desejo o melhor!!

But if we desire strongly the best things, and mainly, fight for the best!!
The best things will come to our life!!!

El está a tu lado!! He´s by you side!!

In spite of believing God will always be with you all time and wherever your are!!
He is always by your side!!

Aunque no creas Dios siempre esta contigo a todas horas y en cualquier lugar!!
Él va estar siempre a su lado, la oración te unirá mas a Él, el camino que sigas largo, corto siempre te llevaran a Él!!
483988 364412153627215 2047685869 n Imagen Dios te lleva de la mano

Yo amo Jesus!!! Y tú??

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Dios escucha!! God hears!!

LIKE if you agree!

Dios escucha lo que no decimos y entiende lo que no explicamos!!!


Desires!! Deseos!!

Que Dios realiza los deseos de tu corazon!!
May God realize the desires of your heart!!

Love and peace!!! Amor y paz!!

It doesn`t matter, people are in this way!!
Some of them are what they are, others pretend that they are!!
Some people think that they are, others want to be!!
There are some of them that can not be, and some who need to be!!
There some which are tired to be, and there some of them which will be!!


Gracias Padre!! Thanks Father!!

Thanks Father because I can write something for you!! You love me y give me the opportunity de one day more being by your sight!!!

Dar gracias!! Give grace!!

"And when we wake up every morning, we should thank our Lord, the opportunity to see again: a new day, a new sun, smelling the flowers, hearing the birds singing, and every breath we take, every move we make!!
Thanks Lord!!!

Y al despertar cada mañana deberíamos AGRADECER A NUESTRO CREADOR, por la oportunidad de volver a ver: un nuevo día, un nuevo sol, el perfume de las flores y oir el canto de las aves y el aire que respiramos!!
Gracias Señor!!"

Deus no coração! God in your heart!!!

Mulheres que oram :::::lindas mensagens::::::

Everybody can be happy, but the complete happiness only with GOd in your heart!!!

Algo nuevo !! Something new

Yo no causaré dolor SIN permitir que algo nuevo nazca! dice el Señor!!

Deus poderoso!! Dios poderoso!!!

 MI Dios es poderos para salvar!!!!

Dios surprende!! God suprise!!!

When you do not wait, God gives you a SURPRISE!!!


El amor de Dios es infinito!!
No hay limitte para su amor!!!

Nice Wednesday!! feliz quarta!!!

Foto: Mulheres que oram :::::lindas mensagens::::::
Have a nice Wednesday!!!!
Belive your day will be blessed!!


martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Say thanks!! Di gracias!!

@[281986765166849:274:Mulheres que oram] <--- Frases e versículos para sua meditação!
En todo da gracias, porque esta es la voluntad de Dios en Jesucristo para con vosotros!!
Gracias Senhor por más un dia bendecido!!

In everything you could give grace, because it is the God´s desire in the name of Jesus for us!!
Thanks God for other blessed day!!